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Start with what they know
Teaching music reading skills begins in Kindergarten Kindergartners come to you with a lot of vocabulary, preconceived ideas, and a wide...

Ready or not . . . Here they come!
My room's ready! Now what?!? Maybe you'll be spending the next few weeks getting your room ready, putting up posters, arranging and...

Projects? I just don't have time!
You might be surprised! The last 4-6 weeks of the school year, I found it difficult to engage my 4th graders in just about anything until...

The Power of Music
I do not profess to have all the answers although my family would say differently. Not that I have all the answers but that I think I do....

Recorders for the Holidays! Part 1
Do you remember when you were learning your first instrument? You just thought you sounded good. LOL

Where do I start?
It is our job as educators to challenge students to think and become problem solvers; helping them become well-rounded, lifelong learners.

Baby Monsters, Skin and Bones
Halloween is a great time to teach how composers use tempo, dynamics, and tone color to create mood in music. 3 great activities!

ELA in the Elementary Music Classroom?
Music is a language and must be learned in the same way any language is learned. Children experience, listen to, feel before articulating.

You Want Me to Teach WHAT??
The great thing about reinforcing Gen-Ed standards is that you will not have to change anything you do because you are already doing it.

You Have to Say, "Ba-a-a" to a Little Baby Goat
Starting with what they know gives them LOTS of room to grow. It's hard work but the result will be . . .

Milk it . . . for ALL it's worth!!
How to turn a simple song into a set of sequential, fantastic activities. Tips for how to take a song or activity and revise into . . .

The Fatal Flaw
The one common denominator that I found in struggling teachers was their inability to see the importance of having a PLAN!

Who's Driving Your Car?
When your mission is driving your car, you and your students will succeed!
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